

葡萄干,提子干 rasin
洋梨 pear
杏桃 apricot
無花果乾 dried fig
龍眼乾,龍眼肉,桂圓,圓肉 dried longan
葡萄乾 raisin
柿餅 dried persimmon
桃脯 dried peach
杏脯 dried apricot
蘋果脯,蘋果乾 dried apple
紅棗 chinese red dates
蜜棗 preserved red dates
蜜漬櫻桃,露桃,車梨子 glace cherrycandied cherry
蜜漬鳳梨 glace pineapplecandied pineapple
芝麻 sesame seed
罌粟子 poppy seed
亞答子 atap seed
蝦米 dried shrimp
当归 angelica
发菜 black moss
木耳 agaric
黑木耳 black fungus / wood ear fungus
银耳 white fungus
干百合 dried lily bulb
金针菜 dried lily bud
人参 ginseng
银杏 ginkgo
蓮子 lotus seed
南杏 apricot kernel
杏仁,杏仁片,扁桃 almond
北杏,苦杏仁 apricot kernelchinese almondbitter almond
紅豆 red beanadzuki bean
綠豆 mung bean
綠豆片 split mung bean
薏米 pearl barley
黃豆 soy bean
花生 peanut
瓜子,南瓜子 pepitasdried pumpkin seeds
崧子,松子仁 pine nut
栗子 chestnut
核桃,胡桃 walnut
榛果,榛仁 hazelnut / filbert / cobnut
開心果 pistachio
澳洲堅果,夏威夷果,澳洲胡桃,澳洲栗,澳洲核桃 macadamiacalifornia nut
山胡桃 pecan
石鼓仔,馬加拉,油桐子 candlenutbuah keras
白果,銀杏 ginkgo nut
碎干果 ground nuts
腰子豆,腰果,腰果仁,介壽果 cashew nut
檳榔 betel

涼粉,仙草 grass jelly
果子凍,口者喱 果凍粉 jelly
吉利丁 魚膠粉,明膠 gelatine sheetspowdered gelatine
杏桃果膠 apricot glaze
西米,小茨丸 pearl sagopearl tapioca
紅豆沙 red bean paste
蓮蓉 lotus paste
棗泥 red date paste
栗蓉 chestnut pureechestnut paste
大菜,大菜絲,洋菜,洋菜粉,瓊脂 agar powder
中式点心 dim sum
饮茶 Yum Cha
油条 twisted cruller
糯米 sticky rice
血糯米 black sticky rice
白粥 congee
肉包子 steamed bun with pork filling, pork bun
豆沙包 red bean bun
馒头 steamed bun
花卷 Steamed Twisted Rolls with Green Onion
馄饨 wonton
锅贴 fried dumpling
鲜肉锅贴 fried pork dumpling
水饺 boiled dumpling
蒸虾饺 steamed prawn dumpling
蟹粉小笼包 Mini pork bun with crab roeXiao Long Bao)
三鲜包 Steamed Bun Stuffed with Three Fresh Delicacies
虾饺 shrimp dumpling
烧卖 shao-mai
肠粉 rice noodle roll
春卷 spring roll
葱油饼 Green Onion Pancake, Scallion Pancake
油饼 cruller
油条 油炸鬼 deep-fried twisted dough sticks
香酥麻饼,芝麻大饼 sesame pancake
千层糕 layer cake
马拉糕 Cantonese sponge cake
八宝饭 rice pudding8 treasure sticky rice pudding
月饼 mooncake
粽子 Sticky rice dumpling, Sticky rice wrapped in bamboo leaves
凉粉 agar-agar jelly
河粉 fried rice noodles
干炒牛河 fried rice noodles w/beef
年糕 rice cake
炒面 chow mein
杂碎 Chop Suey
芙蓉蛋 Egg Foo Yung
汤面 noodles soup
阳春面 plain noodles
刀削面 sliced noodles
炸酱面 noodles w/soybean paste
打卤面 noodles w/gravy
芝麻糊 sesame paste
萝卜丝饼 turnip strips cake
碗糕 salty rice pudding
凤梨酥 pineapple cake
爆米花 popcorn
牛肉干 beef jerk
果冻 jelly
泡泡糖 bubble gum
棒棒糖 bonbon
水果糖 konfyt
棉花糖 cotton candy
太妃糖 toffee
香瓜子 sunflower seed
南瓜子 pumpkin seed
藕粉 lotus root starch
馅子 filling
便当 lunchbox
自助餐 buffet
零嘴 snack
蜜饯 tutti-frutti
酒酿 sweet fermented-rice
燕窝 bird’s nest bird’s nest
榨菜() preserved vegetable (slices)
酥油 ghee

